Café de Concert
Today - Café de Concert has become the atelier and concert gallery of the young and multitalented pianist and composer Aksel Kolstad. It took him 10 years to brand this concept and turn it into one of the most original and innovating classical concepts in the world. Here´s the story behind...... The Idea The origin and still driving force behind Café de Concert is to present classical music to a larger audience. The genre has by no means the same appeal as pop, rock or jazz. Creating a more relaxed atmosphere, and not to forget Kolstad´s magical ability to present classical music with humor and showmanship, it all results in a more intimate and fun concert format than the traditional solemn style. The idea that classical music can once again become popular music, the way it once was, is the motivation behind the concept Café de Concert. Classical concerts at cafés – Café de Concert recruits musicians, both students and professionals, to play classical music for the people. The goal is to stimulate as well as strengthen everyone’s interest in classical music. The level of musicianship is high, and with a relaxed, positive atmosphere, between the pieces, it is possible to have a cup of coffee, have something to eat or perhaps talk with the person sitting beside you. Café de Concert is an arena for all creative arts. In addition to musical performances, there are regular arts exhibitions and ballet/modern dance performances directed by CdC.
October was a party month!
Submitted by aksel on Tue, 2018-11-06 13:10Aksel went bananas at a kid´s party earlier... ....completely bananas.... We had great musicians from the UK visiting! Siril Valberg with brilliant Bach, Chopin, Symanowski and Prokofiev!! And the famous Anneli Rebecka Larsen with her students at Café de Concert was also so much fun! Great month in the pit!!!
Røa senior center & SUPmania
Submitted by aksel on Thu, 2018-06-07 19:42SUPorama SURFmania
Submitted by aksel on Wed, 2018-05-23 21:39Some highlights from winter / spring
Submitted by aksel on Tue, 2018-05-08 11:46Two cribs!
Submitted by aksel on Fri, 2017-10-27 12:02Woop, there it is! 2017 part II is on!
Submitted by aksel on Thu, 2017-09-21 11:03Pre Summer Bonanza!!
Submitted by aksel on Thu, 2017-06-08 16:30Need to be Superman to keep up with March Madness...
Submitted by aksel on Thu, 2017-04-06 10:22February check!
Submitted by aksel on Thu, 2017-03-09 11:30Aksel's get together was a blast, with lots of cool, international people attending, this we like!! Aksel was spinning around on fire as usual, this time too fast to capture even for the camera! We attended our boys from EB85's (gutter 02) game last weekend and we are so proud of that the won their conference, and beat Asker to it! Way to go, guys! You rock!
Our matiné concerts fror students on Saturdays at 1 pm are always so good! Martin Bråten played beautifully! Some of the crowd posing post concert... The dancing series has become such a big success, was packed with a great crowd when the season opened a week ago! Sundays at 1 pm, be there! And then there is this guy....Café de Concert YouTube Channel
The history of Café de Concert
Café de Concert began a few days before the 19th of June 2003 when Aksel Kolstad together with a colleague performed live on Midt i Musikken, a classical music program on NRK radio P2. During the program, the trial concert was announced, to be held at Kastanjen restaurant on Bygdøy Allé in Oslo.
Visit the old Café de Concert media centre HERE