Café de Concert



Today - Café de Concert has become the atelier and concert gallery of the young and multitalented pianist and composer Aksel Kolstad. It took him 10 years to brand this concept and turn it into one of the most original and innovating classical concepts in the world. Here´s the story behind...... The Idea The origin and still driving force behind Café de Concert is to present classical music to a larger audience. The genre has by no means the same appeal as pop, rock or jazz. Creating a more relaxed atmosphere, and not to forget Kolstad´s magical ability to present classical music with humor and showmanship, it all results in a more intimate and fun concert format than the traditional solemn style. The idea that classical music can once again become popular music, the way it once was, is the motivation behind the concept Café de Concert. Classical concerts at cafés – Café de Concert recruits musicians, both students and professionals, to play classical music for the people. The goal is to stimulate as well as strengthen everyone’s interest in classical music. The level of musicianship is high, and with a relaxed, positive atmosphere, between the pieces, it is possible to have a cup of coffee, have something to eat or perhaps talk with the person sitting beside you. Café de Concert is an arena for all creative arts. In addition to musical performances, there are regular arts exhibitions and ballet/modern dance performances directed by CdC.  

Calendar getting filled up

Concerts and events, one thig after another this month! Bookings starting to fill up the calender, we can´t wait to get busy this February also! The dancing series at Café de Concert is starting March 5th, click attending, it will be worth it! Also check out the dates for all our open concerts and events at Café de Concert here!

And don´t forget to book your Byssegutt in the toilet for a private concert, haha!

September recap

This guy. Has been filling this house up SO many times the last month!!

A lot of cool new projects about to pop up!! These soon to be seen in the toilet!

And many like this in the open space on October 20th, you coming?
Sundays have been PACKED lately with people digging these amazing young dancers. Come check it out Sunday's at 1 pm!
And OH yes, we LOVE serving our audience the woks from Tunco!!!!!! So much thaaaat...

....thaaaat we did a pressrelease not too long ago where we annoucned that Aksel is going with Tunco in March to perform childrens concerts in Vietnam, where Tunco donats both money and food. And now, in collaboration with us, also concerts! We are psyched!!

And yeah...this guy. Is all summer all year.

August started with a big bang

Yvonne Jeanette Karlsen's exhibition was totally packed as it set off the season's first get together (every last thursday of each month). Wonderful paintings by a kick ass woman (brunette right next to the hat)

Our dance series is up and runnig, awesome to see the level of all these young modern dancers!! Each Sunday at 1 pm, be there!

And Saturdays have been packed with great performances this month, stay tuned every Saturday at 1 pm!

Paddle events have been off the CHART!!! MAN!!! What a great deal of SUP&Champagne events we have had this month! And so many come and rent boards, we love it!!

Aksel is going to Vietnam early 2017 to perform children's concerts organized by Tunco We had a little celebration for that :)

And here he is, our little diva at sea...

Risør Trebåtfestival

Café de Concert Stand Up Paddle hadde en uforglemmelig fet surfebod under Risør Trebåtfestival forrige uke hvor det var rock and roll and showtime stort sett hele tiden. Vannvittig mange prøvde som SUP og utrolig mange leide brett, flere kjøpte også! Veldig gøy! Beach Boys groovet ut fra boden vår mens Glenn og Aksel showet på brett. Risør, vi kommer igjen! Kunne din trebåtfestival eller festival nær sjøen eller et vann tenke seg Café de Concert Stand Up Paddle? Nøl ikke med å ta kontakt! You won´t regret it! Og gratulerer til vinnerne av stafetten og alle som deltok! Spesielt deltagerne fra Serenade og Amigo som fikk utmerkelsespris for best teknikk! Lyst på SUP brett? Vi formidler suverene brett fra Hypr Hawaii, F one og Naish!

Café de Concert facelift

After 4 years of "fire in the hole" we decided to do a little facelift. And boy did that turn out elegant! New floor, new colors on the walls, glitter and sparkle from the roof, new toilet, new persian rug under the grand (my mother´s wedding gift to my father actually!!), a little retreat for me over the kitchen and new staff (one of them in the pictures, Hedda). Ready for summer season and the fall - when we are ready for all batalions to storm in.....Hope you like it :) Photos by Rune Hammerstad.

Highlights from June

The get together of June was a blast! One of our small troopers made us a SUP lego <3

Our favourite basketball team, EB85 boys 02, became legendary pirates of the Norwegian Fjords!

Always a blast when Aksel gets to perform for Nordea with a home coutr advantage!

Out and about with the superfantastic administration from MESH!

Aksel seems to like that red spot :D

Oslo has a barrel, if you didn´t know!!

Sony at Café de Concert for the second time :) :) 

Oh yes, and then there was the tale of the Greek pianist and the girls from the mountains up in Denver.....

An unforgettable memory when Aksel performed for 45 Chinese people - in the toilet!

Tine doing the surf!

Aksel rehearsing with Helle, one of our prima assistants.

Will there EVER be enough SUP? Nope. It´s dope.

When he´s in that zone...

Many event companies came for an untraditional teambuilding with us this month :)

Saturdays and Sundays - we DANCE!

Café de Concert YouTube Channel

The history of Café de Concert

Café de Concert began a few days before the 19th of June 2003 when Aksel Kolstad together with a colleague performed live on Midt i Musikken, a classical music program on NRK radio P2. During the program, the trial concert was announced, to be held at Kastanjen restaurant on Bygdøy Allé in Oslo.

Visit the old Café de Concert media centre HERE

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